Transformation with plant medicines
From my own experience and after years of doing ceremonies with ayahuasca, mushrooms and truffles, I am convinced of the transformative and healing power of these magical plants. The plants are powerful catalysts for inner development and growth because they have the potential to pierce trough all the layers of conditioning and programming and directly touch your soul. Leaving an imprint in your being that lasts forever.
Truffle ceremony
In a truffle ceremony we will be taking you on a journey with the magical truffles. An ancient tradition to experience more insight, clarity, healing and growth. We guide you to deeper levels within yourself, where you will find answers to questions that are alive, where you connect with your authentic being.
Ceremony day
It is a full day program. The most important part of the day is of course the ceremony with the truffles, but just as important for us is creating a safe setting. Therefore we start the day with a sharing circle to set intentions and close the day with sharing experiences to integrate. In addition, we prepare you optimally for the journey with some body work and emotional release tools beforehand, so you can drop into your body, feel connected with your heart and yourself and start your ceremony from a place of safety and confidence.
Effects of a truffle ceremony
You can experience what it is like to be connected to the greater whole, to something greater than your ego can comprehend. An experience of oneness and love. This experience can give you so much confidence and strength. The mind can calm down. The body can heal.
As you access deeper layers in your consciousness, you begin to experience yourself and your life themes in a broader perspective or awareness. You may gain insight or answers to specific questions. This can be tremendously healing, which has a ripple effect in your daily life. Truffles are able to shine light on deeply buried/rooted issues in the subconscious.
Who is truffle ceremony for?
- You feel stuck in your life and you are looking for (new) direction
- You have read about the promising results for anxiety, depression, burn-out and addiction
- You are curious and want to experience this in a safe setting
- Everyone who feels the call
Private Truffle Ceremony
In a private truffle ceremony all attention is focused on you. The entire session and the process from intake to integration is about your process and I will guide you along the way.
A private truffle ceremony can take place at your home or at an external location. It is a special ceremony in an intimate setting of client and facilitator. The set and setting, the space we create together is the foundation for the inner journey.
Depending on where you are on your path of inner work and personal development, it is recommended to start a private ceremony only after we have done some coaching/therapy sessions. This allows us to build a solid I-strength and allows you to optimally experience, receive and integrate the truffle ceremony. A truffle ceremony can be a life-changing experience and bring up pieces from the unconscious that you really need to be ready for. It is important to be solid within yourself to be able to face and integrate these aspects.
Price on request. Price contains free online intake session and private one day ceremony. To be complemented with integration session and more extensive coaching/therapy package.
Group ceremonies in Amsterdam
During the year I organize several group ceremonies in Amsterdam. See the planned group ceremonies below:
- Sunday April 21st 2025 – Easter day 1 – OPTIONAL – De Ruimte in Amsterdam (if there is sufficient interest, I will book the location and confirm this date. So if you want to join this ceremony let me know asap!!!)
- Saturday June 7th 2025 – De Ruimte in Amsterdam
- Saturday September 6th 2025 – De Ruimte in Amsterdam
Get the most out of your group ceremony with one or more coaching sessions prior to the ceremony to gain insight into deeper issues and your intention for the ceremony and a session(s) afterwards to integrate the experience and implement the next steps in your life. From experience I can say that a ceremony complemented with coaching sessions provides deeper integration and lasting change.
Prices group ceremony and support packages
- Group ceremony: 299 euro*
- Support level 1: 2 coaching sessions: 300 euro*
- Support level 2: 4 coaching sessions: 550 euro*
- Support level 3: 6 coaching sessions: 750 euro*
* Price incl VAT
Videos (only in Dutch)
Wat brengt een truffel ceremonie en hoe weet je of je er klaar voor bent?
Mijn ervaringen met ceremonies die de basis vormen voor onze aanpak met truffel ceremonies, een therapeutische setting voor meer verdieping, heling en groei.